The Geoff Reed Table Tennis Centre,
FB Fields, St Clement,
Jersey, JE2 6QN.
T: 01534 615835
Jersey Registered Charity No. 125
JTTA Presentation to Investec Channel Islands
27 October, 2020
Thank you to Investec Channel Islands for their support of Jersey table tennis for the last 4 years especially to Kevin and the team.
October, 2020
CONGRATULATIONS to Paul Routier and Barry Le Feuvre for recently passing the Level 1 Umpire certification.
Luc Miller aiming for the Commonwealth Games
2 September, 2020
Before heading back to Grantham College Table Tennis Academy in the UK to improve his game further, Luc was interviewed by Sportscast Jersey about his career so far and his future table tennis ambitions.
24 August, 2021
The JTTA AGM was held on 24 August, 2021 at the main hall at the Geoff Reed Table Tennis Centre where Government COVID guidance was adhered to. The meeting was well attended when nominations were received and voted upon to form a council for the new season 2021/2022. For news of the coming season, please read the President’s Report
15 March, 2021
After closure on the 4 December, 2020 of the Geoff Reed Table Tennis Centre under Government and Jersey Sport guidance due to the continuing COVID pandemic, the Centre reopened to members this month.
New to Table Tennis
November, 2020
Jersey Sport in partnership with the Commonwealth Games Association of Jersey have launched a new pilot scheme called "School to Sport" to encourage children to the school curriculum. There are a variety of sports on offer and so there will be something there for everyone. Table tennis has been chosen as the first sport for them to try and JTTA are pleased to welcome year four pupils from Plat Douet School to take up the opportunity at the Geoff Reed Table Tennis Centre, FB Fields. Go to Jersey Sport for more details about the Scheme.
Plat Douet Gallery Photos taken by Paul Routier
With this initiative and the Altair Junior Table Tennis Academy program we have now welcomed over 80 new children to table tennis over 3 weeks. It is thanks to our coaches Terry, John, Yogi and Paul Routier, along with the rest of the volunteers for helping to make this happen.
Altair Academy Gallery Photos taken by Paul Routier